Friday, November 24, 2023


My massive book of fairy tales has just been published, MY BIG GLIB BOOK OF FLIPPANT FAIRY TALES. Hundreds and hundreds of pages of fiction. I don't actually think the stories are glib or flippant but that's a pre-emptive strike against those reviewers who don't like me for reasons that have little or nothing to do with my work (you know the kind of person I am referring to). Anyway the book I had published a couple of months ago, STARFISH WISH, was a sampler for this one.

Originally the manuscript of this monster was 914 pages long, but Amazon said no to that: it was too long. So I took out 141 pages and put them into another book, a companion volume called MY LITTLE GLIB BOOK OF FLIPPANT FAIRY TALES.

The former volume has been in preparation for what feels like ages. It is done now at long last. 313 stories contained in 773 pages. These two books don't include ALL my fairy tales, fables, parables, whimsical flapdoodles and paradoxical picaresques, but they do contain many (or even most) of them. I put in a lot of work to make this happen, foolish amounts of work, in fact, over many years, decades. It has been a very tough climb. But whatever happens now, whatever my writing future holds (or doesn't hold), at least I can point to the two GLIB books and say: here you are, here I am, this is how my imagination works. And that counts for something.

Review PDFs are available for anyone who feels they can review one or both of these volumes...

The big volume has a real ISBN and all that proper stuff. The little one doesn't. It is like a little amateur brother to the big semi-professional chap. The covers are variants of each other. Makes sense. The ebook editions of both volumes are currently free from any Amazon outlet but only for the next four days, so if you are reading this after November 27th 2023 they are no longer free.

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