Thursday, March 14, 2024

Dabbler in Drabbles #2

My second book of the year is the second volume of my Dabbler in Drabbles project, a four volume extravaganza. There will be one thousand drabbles in total. The first book features 100 of them, and this new book features 200.

The collections will be published as soon as they are ready, and after the fourth has been released, an omnibus will be prepared that will contain all the drabbles. But that probably won't happen for quite a while, because writing drabbles is hard work. The ideas come to me easily enough (I have been writing weird fiction for so long that now my subconscious offers me original ideas almost hourly) but the precision of the form is tricky. Adjusting a microfiction so that it is exactly one hundred words long requires a good editing eye. But I like to challenge myself and I enjoy writing flash fiction and so drabbles are absolutely a form I need to get to grips with, and I believe that I have.

This book is available in paperback and ebook editions, and the ebook is currently a free download from any Amazon platform for the next two days (today and tomorrow). This link is to the relevant page on Amazon US but look on your own Amazons if you are in a different country...

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