Friday, March 03, 2023

New Novel - Perceval Pitthelm

Cover reveal. One of my favourite ever book cover artists, Jim Burns, did this cover for my forthcoming novel, which is due to be published on March 23rd by Telos Publishing.

Already this year I have ticked off three long-standing items on my bucket list. I climbed to the summit of Sri Pada, had one of my stories turned into a comic, and now a Jim Burns cover! I have wanted a Jim Burns cover since I first saw the covers of Jack Vance's 'Durdane' trilogy when I was about 16 years old.

Anyway, I am very pleased with the way the novel has turned out, an adventure set in Africa, Brazil and the Sahara Desert, taking place between World Wars One and Two. Philip José Farmer was a big influence on this, as were Karel Čapek and Michael Moorcock, but there's also (I like to think) an influence from less obvious sources such as Mia Couto and Alvaro Mutis.

The novel began life as a long short story called 'The Knees of Kionga' that I wrote for publication in Portuguese ten years ago, thanks to the encouragement of my friend Ana Da Silveira Moura. As the years passed, I added sequels to that story and ended up with a novel that I regard as my best adventure novel so far. I believe I have successfully captured a certain 1920s/30s atmosphere. You know the kind of thing I mean; the tropics, the misadventures, the spirit!

The novel is available for pre-order now. Here's the link:

I would certainly urge any readers at all interested in my work to check out this novel :-)

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