Saturday, March 25, 2023

Wistful Wanderings

My new novel has just been published. I love working with Telos Publishing. They are excellent and I don't think any author could rightly want more from a publisher. They published my novel Captains Stupendous some years ago and it so happens that it is now on special offer, only £3 for a book I think is one of my best adventure tales. The link for that offer is here.

I regard my new novel, The Wistful Wanderings of Perceval Pitthelm, as an even better novel (just my own view, of course, and who am I?).  As well as being available directly from the publisher, it is also available from Amazon in paperback and ebook editions. As I have said before, it's an adventure story but a little more philosophical than most adventure stories.

Already it has had a good review. I am hoping for more reviews soon. The story concerns a writer of adventure stories who becomes caught up in a series of adventures himself, in East Africa, Brazil and the Sahara Desert between World Wars One and Two. Philip José Farmer was a big influence on this, as were Karel Čapek and Michael Moorcock and even Mia Couto. I think I have successfully managed to capture a certain atmosphere.

My thanks are to Ana Da Silveira Moura for providing the initial nudge that started the first chapter/story rolling. Salutations also to Jim Burns, the legendary cover artist. I have always wanted a Jim Burns cover, ever since I saw the covers he did for Jack Vance's Durdane Trilogy when I was in my teens and had just started reading fantasy and SF.

For the next few days, in order to help promote my novel, my collection of Lovecraftian stories Cthulhu Wants You will be a free ebook from any Amazon outlet. I am striving to reach new readers with this freebie in the hope that some of them will like it and then go on to purchase The Wistful Wanderings of Perceval Pitthelm. Trickle-down doesn't work, we all know that, but maybe capillary-action-sideways still has a chance. Let's see! Free for the next five days. Feel free to share.  

Whatever happens, my new novel now exists as a real item in the world and is available to be read, and that's something very nice to know. Review copies are available, epub, mobi and PDF. Contact me if you think you might be able to review it. Thanks.

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