Friday, January 24, 2025


The Devil's Halo

My best fantasy novel (in my view) is a subterranean pilgrim's progress. It's also an eschatological epic, a paranormal picaresque, and a cthonic comedy. And it has been published today!

THE DEVIL'S HALO is set in the waiting room of Hell where damned souls wait to have a circle of eternal punishment assigned to them. They pass the time telling each other the stories of their strange lives. Monty Zubris must travel the entire length of this enormous waiting room in order to reach his designated seat, a journey of several million miles... 

“For many years, I have regarded each new book from Rhys Hughes as continuing proof that the universe is a marvellous, exciting and creative place. His work brightens my days, lightens my burdens, and convinces me that I am in the presence of a font of exuberant inventiveness.” —PAUL DI FILIPPO 

"Reading is a mesmeric experience and The Devil’s Halo is one hypnotic horizon after another!” — A.A. ATTANASIO

Many thanks to Elsewhen Press for publishing the book. As I have said already, I think this is my best fantasy novel to date, and by "fantasy novel" I mean a novel in which impossible things happen.

The Devil's Halo includes a Foreword by A.A. Attanasio (who to my mind wrote the best fantasy pirate novel ever, a masterpiece called Wyvern).

Tuesday, January 07, 2025


Dabbler Omnibus

I think I can safely say that after today I never need to think about drabbles again.

DABBLER IN DRABBLES is done and dusted: the Omnibus edition has just been published. There are hardback, paperback and ebook editions of this huge book. For promotional purposes, I have made the ebook free for the next three days starting right now. Here is the link for Amazon US but check out your own Amazon variants, for example Amazon UK or Amazon Spain, etc.

There are 1000 drabbles here (with the meta-inserts 1008 in total) and they are mostly self-contained microfictions, but there are mini-epics here too, cycles and sequences of tales that often overlap with each other. A huge cast of characters populate these drabbles, many of them frequent visitors to the text as it evolves through the individual stories.

Be prepared to meet Three-Armed Jake, Leo the Walking Skeleton, Travis the Stick Man, Curious Bertie, Bunny Grunter, Cranny Faddock, The Discourager, Bookmarkus Aurelius, Silverfake, the painter Elbigelli (with the illegible signature), Charlotte Creeps, Malta Witty, Fibba Flobba, Explorer Jones, Blob Hope, Spooky, Frightful and Boo, Editor Jenkins, Truman Quixote, Gothario, The Boast Gusters, Jellyfish Morton and many many more, not to mention Polyphemus, the cyclops who is telling the tales, and Chiron, the centaur who is listening to them.

This project took a lot of my time and energy and I am glad it's over at last. Curiously, among all my books, my collection of mini-sagas (stories exactly 50 words in length) has done relatively well. It remains to be seen whether this collection of drabbles will be as popular. I suspect not, but who knows for sure?

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