Tuesday, March 06, 2007


My Good (Not Amazing) News

...and my good but not amazing news is that my application for a bursary from the Welsh Academi was successful. I have been awarded £920 to help pay for research for the completion of my big novel The Clown of the New Eternities. Although this was the smallest sum awarded to any of the applicants, it's still remarkable that the Welsh Arts establishment have decided to give any amount of money to a writer for the completion of a non-realistic work...

The novel is question has been gestating for a long time. It consists of three linked parts, each of which is made up of other linked parts. The form of the entire work is extremely complex, as is the plot -- in fact this book utilises dozens of sub-plots, all of which come together at the climax... I'll have a lot more to say about the book in the near future. For the meantime I'll settle for outlining the three component parts as follows:

The Darktree Wheel
(i) Flintlock Jaw
(ii) Percussion Cape
(iii) Gatling Gums
(iv) Mortar Baby
(v) Matchlock Smith



The second part, Eyelidiad, was published as a slim book by Tanjen Ltd in 1996. The first part, The Darktree Wheel, was published in 1998 as part of the Ministry of Whimsy's Leviathan #2 project. Ghoulysses is the part that has been giving me problems because of its intricate structure and the abstract concepts that fuel its dynamic. I believe I have cracked those problems now, and I believe that the entire finished novel will be my magnum opus. Well we'll see!

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