Tuesday, May 27, 2008


A Girl in the Hand

Although I blogged about my friend Caroline Moreira's wedding three posts ago (three entries ago sounds saucy) I feel compelled to do so again, partly because of this excellent photo taken on their honeymoon. I like these tricks of perspective -- I've seen great photos of people 'drinking' waterfalls or 'bouncing' the setting sun like a basketball. Optical illusions are a mighty fine art in themselves. Escher was the great expert, of course. His Waterfall has fascinated me since I was a child. When I first saw it I couldn't work out what was "impossible" about it, other than the fact that the garden was full of subaquatic plants, and I think it was many weeks before the truth clicked!

I have big money worries at the moment, which is fairly normal for me, and also I might have to move house tomorrow. The association who own the apartment of my friend Filiz didn't take kindly to having an unofficial tenant on their property. I think I'll be living somewhere near the centre of town instead, which has both advantages and disadvantages, in a very basic place. But the lack of such distractions as television might encourage me to resume work on The Pilgrim's Regress. I haven't touched it since returning from Matosinhos! I tend to work in fits and starts, a neverending cycle of boom and bust. That sounds saucy too, but isn't.

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