Friday, July 31, 2009

'The Old House Under the Snow...' is probably the most successful story I've ever written but it wasn't an immediate hit. I originally wrote it in 2002 for the first Tartarus Strange Tales anthology and it was rejected. Then it went on to be printed in many places in several languages. Coincidentally, the story I finished writing this morning ('The Phantom Festival') was also intended for the latest Tartarus Press anthology, and it may even end up there, but I suspect its true fate lies as the title story of a forthcoming collection. I received a contract for that (as yet untitled) book a few hours ago. The contents haven't been finalised yet, but they hopefully will be soon.
I've just finished proof-reading my Mister Gum novel. It is now scheduled for a late August release... And I've just finished proof-reading a new chapbook that might be out any day now, my first chapbook for five years...
Other things have been happening, bad as well as good. It would be churlish of me to withhold news of my failures. After all, even the people who dislike me need to be cheered up every so often... It seems I won't be appearing in the same book as Milorad Pavić after all, thus my joyful announcement to that effect back in May was premature. The editor who accepted my submission was overriden by the publishers, the narrow-minded Rodens (about whose integrity and aptitude I have long nurtured doubts). I'll report my other failures as they come in -- my gift to those who mistakenly believe my existence offends them.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Haircut of Doom

I am now working on my 496th story. It's a ghost story devoid of puns or wordplay of any kind, and it's about a music festival for ghosts. I even intend to resist the temptation to make jokes about 'soul' music. I began it a few years ago but kept abandoning and returning to it, a working method that is typical of me. Now I need to apply myself more rigorously and finish it before the end of this month, as I want to submit it to the new Tartarus anthology of strange tales. The other option is that it will appear in a new collection next year, maybe as the title story, which means that the book will be called The Phantom Festival. But this remains to be seen, like so many other things.

496 is an interesting number. It's a 'perfect' number, in other words a positive integer that is the sum of its proper positive divisors. Perfect numbers are so rare that between 0 and 1000 there are only three examples, namely 6, 28 and 496. This means that the only stories I'll ever write that correspond to perfect numbers are: 'The Fury Machine' (from 1991), 'Landing' (from 1992) and 'The Phantom Festival (hopefully finished in 2009). Never again will I write a story that correponds to a perfect number. Sniff! I'm sure I'll get over it. Easily.
Had a nice pre-release review of Twisthorn Bellow from Publisher's Weekly. Naturally enough, I hope this is just the start...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Plane Facts

Meanwhile, Adele's allotment is looking more amazing than ever and so I have blogged about it here...
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Launching a Book, Shelving a Ship

Here's a mildly old photograph to illustrate the fact I'm about to organise a literary event for August here in Swansea. When The Postmodern Mariner was published last summer the plan was for a beach-party launch but circumstances conspired to cancel that happening, so it seems only proper to have another go, but to make the second attempt bigger and better than the original conception... What I'm now planning is no longer just a relaunch of The Postmodern Mariner (and the plugging of my other new books) but a gathering of many writers with their own works to promote. There will be readings and books on sale and other stuff and the pirate-themed beach-party will come after all the business. I'm hoping there will be seashore duels and walking-the-plank incidents and that it'll be a very photogenic and bloggable afternoon. Details will be propagated when they are available for that purpose...
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