Saturday, January 23, 2010
Stringent Strange Extract
I've promised to send various materials (chiefly chapbooks) to various people, but I haven't fulfilled this task yet; and that's because The Fanny Fables isn't quite ready, but it should be out fairly soon, and then I'll send everything to everybody. So my apologies for the delay!
Twisthorn Bellow has just gone to the printers. I'm excited!
The novella I started writing recently looks as if it's going to turn into a full-length novel. I'm already more than 20,000 words through it, but so many more things are scheduled to happen in the plot that I doubt I'll wrap them up in less than 60,000.
As some writers do actually post extracts of works-in-progress on their blogs, I see no reason why I shouldn't do the same. This is a selection of a few pages taken from a random point in my novel(la) so far, put into triple columns to save room:

I'm having great fun writing this story, and it's flowing -- as smoothly as mercury down a polytetrafluoroethylene slope! The Abnormalities of Stringent Strange is the title: a title that jumped into my head out of the blue a few months ago!
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