Friday, November 02, 2012
Ten Tributes to Calvino

Not included here is 'City of Blinks', a tribute story to Calvino that will appear next year in The Senile Pagodas, a big book of twenty tribute stories to fiction writers I admire. A complete list of the authors who get a tribute story in that book can be found here. I have written dozens of tribute stories to Calvino; and even when I'm not consciously trying to imitate him, I suspect that his influence on my work is profound and unmistakable.
Anyway, Ten Tributes to Calvino can be purchased for the fabulous sum of 99 cents from Smashwords here; or from Amazon for 77 pence here. The cover was done by the wonderful Brankica Bozinovska back in 2007 and is just one of her many luminous artworks.
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