Monday, January 07, 2013


Lettered Edition Sold Out!

Thanks to everyone who ordered one of the 'lettered' copies of Tallest Stories. They sold out very quickly. More than half were ordered in the first fifteen minutes, then the speed of sales slowed dramatically, but they all went in a few hours. So now it's just a case of checking the final galley and the book will be off to the printers and then I'll have to sign it when it's ready and after that copies can be mailed to those who bought them, together with the manuscripts and paintings, etc.

I found a few handwritten stories dating from the early 1990s this morning in an old notebook, so I'm going to rummage through my boxes tonight for more manuscripts and if I find enough of them, I'll be adding at least one 'item' to the materials associated with each lettered copy of the book. So with luck, if you ordered a copy, you'll get more for your 'letter' than what was already on the list of items.

Thank you for doing this!
Hey, it's my pleasure!
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