Wednesday, May 27, 2015


New Look

My friend Joy thought I should ditch the dark colours and start walking around like this instead. I am happy to do what a woman tells me to do (when it comes to clothes and maybe one or two other things) but I wanted to know if there were any dissenting opinions among my friends. So I posted this photo on Facebook and asked for feedback.

I had a diversity of views in return. Some people liked it and some didn't. The shoes were almost universally popular, but not the jacket and shirt. However, the writer Samuel Delany gave a positive response to the full attire. "It looks dashing," he said. Delany is one of my favourite ever authors. I am currently reading his Stars in my Pockets like Grains of Sand and enjoying it immensely. If Delany approves, then that settles the matter as far as I'm concerned.

One curious thing: my friend Joy is African and all my African friends liked the colours. But my Western friends were less convinced. I lack enough data to make any kind of theory from this, but it's interesting anyway.

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