Friday, March 07, 2025


Romantic Onion Antics

Four months ago I asked:

Which is the better title for a collection of quirky poems? (1) Romantic Onion Antics. (2) Amorous Onion Antics. I finally decided on the first option.

Romantic Onion Antics: Poems on Your Breath is a collection of verses about onions and flying saucers. phantoms and revenge, accidents and monsters, tribulations, trilobites, meteorites, ducks, and who knows what else?

Here's the title poem of the book:

I am an onion, you are a leek.
I love you a lot
but I intend to marry a peach
because she is
roughly spherical like myself
and you aren’t.

Just a trite little ditty, probably the least significant of all the poems in the book. I think I regard this as my best poetry collection so far, but my poetry production rate has dropped considerably in recent weeks. I seem to be in the process of giving up the writing of poetry.

However, I have written so much of the stuff in the past five years that I have plenty of unpublished material that I still hope will see print. This new book consists of the poems I have written in the past four months, with nothing earlier than that.

And so I can say with some confidence: Onions Ahoy!

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